Friday, March 2, 2012

Make A Run For It...

I've always found that when you take on a challenge - new diet, new exercise regime, etc. the more people you share it with, the more likely you are to stick to it - the whole accountability thing :-)

Decision to run made, I found myself at our local Running Room store reading the brochure on the Learn to Run Clinic. I had heard that this program offers support, education and that it builds up your running gradually. This sounds reasonable - a veritable support group for newbie runners. I like that. As I start to look around I find this place intimidating. The racks are filled with (very small) running clothes and strange accoutrements - gels, bodyglide, nipple protectors? What kind of store is this???

I turn to go, clutching the brochure (damp now from my sweaty palm) but encounter a clerk (tall, slim - definitely a runner). I find out that the next clinic is a mere 10 days away...and I ask the dreaded question: Can I learn to run at age 45? He tells me that the oldest person to complete the Learn to Run program was a 78 year old woman…

In an instant all my excuses and doubts seem ridiculous, and this nameless, faceless women (33 years my senior) instantly becomes an inspiration. So much so that when I return home I register for the Bluenose Marathon 5 km event – before I can change my mind…

Gotta go. I'm Running Late...Literally!

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